7 Positive Thinking Tips That You Might Not Be Aware Of
At first glance, it looks like positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with each another. But do you know that many with ADD in time develop negative thinking patterns as we become irritated by our challenges and common feelings of being weighed down? This negative attitude then makes it even more difficult to manage those challenges and move on.
Practicing positive thinking lets people who have ADD focus on strengths and achievements, which increases contentment and motivation. In turn, this lets us spend more time making steps forward, and less time feeling losing and trapped.
These 7 tips give sensible suggestions you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns:
1. Take Good Care of Yourself
You'll find it easier to be positive when you are eating well, having adequate exercise, getting enough rest, and feeling well on the whole.
2. Remember to Count Your Blessings
Stresses and challenges aren't as bad when you're frequently reminding yourself of the things that you can be thankful for. Taking even just 60 seconds daily to stop and be thankful for the good--and "bad" things that come or happen will make a huge difference.
3. Look for Proof Rather than Making Assumptions
Fear of not being accepted or liked could lead us to presume that we know what others are thinking. But fears are frequently not reality. If there's a fear in your heart that a friend or close family's awful mood is due to something you did, or that co-workers are furtively gossiping about you when you're not around, then ask them. Don't waste your time worrying you did something wrong, unless something has happened and you know that there's really something to worry about.
4. Refrain from Using Absolutes
Have you ever told an associate "Aren't you ALWAYS late!" or grumbled to a friend "Why, you NEVER call!"? Thinking and talking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the circumstance seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into thinking that some people are unqualified to deliver anything.
5. Keep Away from Negative Thoughts
Thoughts can not hold power over you if you do not let them. If you find yourself starting a negative thought, do all you can to detach from it, and divert it. If you have heard the verse "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is good, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, think about such things…" (Philippians 4.8), it's just what you need to divert your thoughts to!
6. Squash the "ANTs"
Dr. Daniel Amen, in the book "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life," talks about "ANTs" or automatic negative thoughts. These are usually the bad reactionary thoughts, like "If those people are laughing, they must be laughing about me," or "If the boss has to see me, it must be about something bad!" When you observe yourself with these thoughts, recognize that they're just ANTs and squash them!
7. Love, Touch and Squeeze Your Family and Friends
You do not need to be an expert to know the benefits of a fine hug. Positive physical interaction with loved ones, friends, and pets, is an instant pick-me-up. A research study on this subject had a waitress touch some customers on the arm as she gave them their change. She received more tips from these than those customers she didn't touch!
In the corporate world, protocol is the norm. Knowing the things needed are the basics of efficiency. But touching lives and having a focused mind makes up for true productivity. Getting small things like stress under our skins won't let us get to the bottom of our problems.
Practicing positive thinking lets people who have ADD focus on strengths and achievements, which increases contentment and motivation. In turn, this lets us spend more time making steps forward, and less time feeling losing and trapped.
These 7 tips give sensible suggestions you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns:
1. Take Good Care of Yourself
You'll find it easier to be positive when you are eating well, having adequate exercise, getting enough rest, and feeling well on the whole.
2. Remember to Count Your Blessings
Stresses and challenges aren't as bad when you're frequently reminding yourself of the things that you can be thankful for. Taking even just 60 seconds daily to stop and be thankful for the good--and "bad" things that come or happen will make a huge difference.
3. Look for Proof Rather than Making Assumptions
Fear of not being accepted or liked could lead us to presume that we know what others are thinking. But fears are frequently not reality. If there's a fear in your heart that a friend or close family's awful mood is due to something you did, or that co-workers are furtively gossiping about you when you're not around, then ask them. Don't waste your time worrying you did something wrong, unless something has happened and you know that there's really something to worry about.
4. Refrain from Using Absolutes
Have you ever told an associate "Aren't you ALWAYS late!" or grumbled to a friend "Why, you NEVER call!"? Thinking and talking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the circumstance seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into thinking that some people are unqualified to deliver anything.
5. Keep Away from Negative Thoughts
Thoughts can not hold power over you if you do not let them. If you find yourself starting a negative thought, do all you can to detach from it, and divert it. If you have heard the verse "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is good, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, think about such things…" (Philippians 4.8), it's just what you need to divert your thoughts to!
6. Squash the "ANTs"
Dr. Daniel Amen, in the book "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life," talks about "ANTs" or automatic negative thoughts. These are usually the bad reactionary thoughts, like "If those people are laughing, they must be laughing about me," or "If the boss has to see me, it must be about something bad!" When you observe yourself with these thoughts, recognize that they're just ANTs and squash them!
7. Love, Touch and Squeeze Your Family and Friends
You do not need to be an expert to know the benefits of a fine hug. Positive physical interaction with loved ones, friends, and pets, is an instant pick-me-up. A research study on this subject had a waitress touch some customers on the arm as she gave them their change. She received more tips from these than those customers she didn't touch!
In the corporate world, protocol is the norm. Knowing the things needed are the basics of efficiency. But touching lives and having a focused mind makes up for true productivity. Getting small things like stress under our skins won't let us get to the bottom of our problems.