How Does a Board Fence Work?
The first and most essential part of a board fence are the supports, or fence posts. Every type of fence will have fence posts, and they can be of many different kinds of materials. In board fences, fence posts are most often made of sturdy wood logs, posts, or boards. The posts are spaced evenly along the fence line and then installed by digging a hole, placing the post in the hole, and then filling the hole with quick-setting cement or concrete to anchor it firmly in place. Once the cement has set, the post is stable and ready to be used as a support.- The next components of a board fence are the pieces of lumber that provide support between the fence posts. These are typically made of 2 x 4 pieces of wood, though other cuts will work, as long as they are thick enough and long enough to provide the necessary support. Typically, a board fence will have two support pieces for each section of fence: one that is attached horizontally on the upper half of two fence posts, and one that is attached horizontally on the lower half of the same two fence posts. Depending on the height of the fence, a third support piece may be necessary, which might be installed horizontally at the midpoint of the two fence posts, or diagonally so that it starts at the upper point of one fence posts and ends at the lower point of another, thus providing support along the full vertical spread of the fence posts.
The third and most obvious component of board fences is the wooden slats. These are the pieces that fill in all the gaps, create the typical wooden fence look, and provide the privacy and protection that is the fence's function. Usually these wooden planks are attached on the vertical by nailing them to the horizontal support pieces. The slats might be spaced out so that there is still some ability to see through the fence, or they might be hung very close together to create the most privacy possible.
Fence Posts
Support Lumber
Wooden Slats