How to Build a Wooden Cellar Door
- 1). Measure the height and width of the door opening with a tape measure and cut enough 1-by-6-inch lumber with a circular saw to fit across the opening when you lay the planks side-by-side with no gaps between them. Cut the boards 1/2 to 1 inch shorter than the height of the opening, more if the ground under the doorway is uneven. Rip one of the outside boards with a saw to make the door the correct width.
- 2). Lay the boards on a flat surface and align them so their tops and bottoms form straight lines. Cut two lengths of 1-by-6-inch cross-braces to lay perpendicularly across them. The lengths of the cross-braces should be the same as the width of the door.
- 3). Place the cross-braces perpendicularly on the door planks about a foot from the top and bottom of the door. Screw them to the planks with 1 1/4-inch wood screws, driving at least two screws into each intersection of one of the cross-braces with a plank.
- 4). Place a length of 1-by-6-inch lumber long enough to extend from the outside corner of one cross-brace to the opposite outside corner of the other diagonally on top of the cross-braces. Mark the lines made by the inside edges of the cross-braces with a pencil and cut along the lines with a circular saw. Place this diagonal brace between the cross-braces and screw it to the planks, driving at least 2 screws into each intersection with a plank.
- 5). Screw gate hinges to the front of the door over the cross-braces with the screws that come with the hinges. Set the door in the jamb high enough so it will clear obstructions on the ground when you open it and screw the hinges to the door casing or the wall.
- 6). Cut three lengths of 1-by-2-inch lumber to fit around the inside of the door jamb to make a door stop. Close the door and nail the stop to the jamb with 6d finish nails. It should be set tightly against the closed door.
- 7). Screw a gate handle and barrel bolt to the front of the door at convenient heights. Close the door, extend the barrel and fit the barrel retainer over it. Screw the retainer to the door casing or wall. If you have to lock the door, screw a padlock hasp to the outside of the door and the casing or wall and lock the door with a padlock.