How to Recaulk Shower Tiles
- 1). Remove the old caulk with a razor knife. Run the blade along each corner surface. Pull the old caulking from the tile. Use the razor knife to dig out all of the caulking that has remained in the tile joints.
- 2). Use a hand broom and dustpan to clean up all of the debris. Use the broom's bristles to remove all loose grout and bits of caulking that have remained in the grout joint.
- 3). Wet a rag with rubbing alcohol. Use the wet rag to clean the tile. All soap scum must be removed.
- 4). Spray a mold and mildew cleaner along the area where you removed the caulking. Let this dry completely before continuing.
- 5). Fill gaps larger than 1/4 inch with grout. Caulking is only designed to fill small gaps.
- 6). Cut the end of the tube of caulking. Use a razor knife to remove the tip at the spot where the diameter is the same as the desired thickness of the caulking bead.
- 7). Apply a bead of caulk to one joint at a time. Start at one corner, and continue all the way across the joint without stopping. The caulking must fill the gap, not just go over the top.
- 8). Use a wet finger to smooth the caulking. Stop here if you are using pure silicone caulk.
- 9). Use a damp sponge to wipe any excess caulking from the sides of the joint. Use a single continuous motion all the way across the caulking bead.
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Complete one joint at a time. Caulking will skim over in a matter of minutes.