Bathroom Remodeling Trends
- Many modern bath remodelers select luxury additions.bathroom image by Mikhail Olykainen from
While the purpose of a bathroom is utilitarian, many remodelers, eager to create an inviting bathroom space, add uncommon luxuries to functional bath spaces. Modern bathroom remodeling trends include the addition of comfort-boosting extras that allow this simple room to become more than just a place to shower and prepare for the day, but also a place to relax and unwind. - The days of cramped, utilitarian showers are over. Today's bathroom designers instead opt to create roomy showers. These showers often include more than one head to allow for multi-person use. By creating roomier showers, remodelers intend to produce showers in which they can luxuriate and get clean in style.
- Many remodelers are moving away from the loud jacuzzi tubs popular in decades past and are going instead with relaxing soaker tubs. In these large, quiet tubs bathroom owners can lounge and read a book or sip a glass of wine as an end-of-day soothing ritual.
- Bathrooms by their very nature are moist places. When this moisture builds up, the small room can become stuffy and mold can grow. To prevent these negative occurrences, many modern remodelers upgrade their ventilation. By adding vents to the room and installing a more powerful ventilation system, homeowners can remove more moisture from the bathroom space and prevent the development of oppressive humidity.
- Many homeowners install a television set in the bathroom so they can follow the morning news while primping or watch a movie while relaxing in a bubble bath with their spouses. Today's mountable, flat-screen television sets make the addition of a TV unobtrusive.
- In modern bathroom remodels, modesty often reigns supreme with owners electing to create a separate toilet room to house the commode. These rooms allow for multi-person bathroom use and privacy.
- Husbands and wives, sick of sink-related arguments sullying their mornings, commonly elect to install double sinks when remodeling a bathroom space. Dual sinks allow both parties to get ready simultaneously in the morning without falling over each other as they complete their morning maintenance tasks.
Roomy, Multi-Head Showers
Soak Tubs
Updated Ventilation
TV Installation
Toilet Rooms
Double Sinks