How to Drill HolesThrough Bathroom Tile Without Cracking It
- 1). Place two pieces of masking tape in the form of an X over the area on the tile you wish to drill. Mark the exact spot on the masking tape where the hole will be placed with a pencil for easy reference.
- 2). Change the bit on the drill to a carbide-tipped bit for ceramic tile, or a diamond-tipped bit for porcelain tile. Dip the bit of the drill into a bottle of cooling oil before you begin.
- 3). Place the tip of the drill bit against the area you wish to drill and set the drill to its lowest speed setting. Begin drilling into the tile with slow, steady pressure. If smoke appears or the bit begins to heat up, stop and dip the bit into the cooling oil before continuing. Go slowly to avoid overheating the drill, or cracking the tile, until the hole is complete.