Positive Personality - Three Most Basic Things That You Need To Be Successful
Copyright (c) 2009 Khadijah IbrahimIn my opinion there are three basic things that everybody must do so that they would be successful whether it is online or offline business or even in their life. I believe that all successful people know and do these three basic things. I also could guarantee that if you ask any successful people, these three things would be the first things they mention.What are the first three basic things that are important and you need to do?Believe that you can succeedWith everything that you do whether in your online or offline business or even your life, the first thing you need to do is believe that you can succeed. Believe that you can achieve anything that you put your mind into. This is the first and important thing that you need to do before anything else.You must be able to see yourself achieving your dream, hear the positive things that you would say when you achieve your dream and feel the feeling when you achieve your dream.You might be asking why is your belief very important and be the first thing that you need to do?It is important and the first thing that you need to do because without belief you would not feel the urgency to achieve your dreams. Without the belief that you could succeed you would never take any action to achieve your dreams.Let me give you an example. If you are supposed to jump out of an aeroplane however you do not believe that your parachute will open and you would safely land on the ground, would you do it? I don't think so.The same goes with any venture that you are going to jump into. You need to have a belief before you do it. If you jump into any venture without any belief, I could assure you that when you meet with the first obstacle, the obstacle will definitely break you and you will give up.So whatever you a going to do or choose, you need to believe that you would be able to succeed.Take actionAfter a very long explanation on beliefs, I need to remind you on the second most important thing that you need to do.Yes, that's right; take action. If you believe with your whole heart that you could succeed but you are not taking any action to achieve it, how are you going to succeed? If you believe that you are going to be a millionaire however you are not taking any action, just waiting for somebody to hand you the money; will you be a millionaire? Unless of course if you have Uncle Ben who is a millionaire and you are going to inherit his money then may be you can just sit tight waiting for him to die. However with that kind of guarantee in your pocket, you must still take actions to ensure that he would not change his mind, mustn't you?If you want to succeed in an online business then start making plans on how to start building and do it. If you still do not know how to do it then start learning and ask people who already have the experience and knowledge.If you want to be successful, start acting like successful people and do what they did to become successful.So you see, just believing will not be enough you must take action.Never give upThe third most important thing that you need to do is to never ever give up. You must realise that before success there will always be a lot of obstacles, roadblocks, frustrations and hard work.I don't think that there is anybody who is successful who never encountered these four things. If they didn't, you better check them out to see whether they really are successful.The truth is, obstacles, roadblocks, frustrations and hard work are good things. These are the things that make you stretch out and become a better person. Being successful is not just what you achieve but also who you become in the process of achieving success.So there you are three basic but most important things that you must do to achieve success. With these three things everything else will come together and you will be on your way to achieve your dreams in no time.