Kabbalah - A Practical Science
There are various kinds of sciences in the world, but the ones that we value the most are those that can affect and improve our lives today.
After all, if something doesn't benefit our life here and now, or in the foreseeable future, then why would we want to waste our time to actually learn it? Science exists in order to research nature and find ways to improve our lives.
If we see that a certain science will benefit us, then we will invest great effort and means to learn it.
Throughout history we have seen that science develops in order for society to progress and advance.
For example, scientific advancement led to the invention of the steam engine and other mechanical devices.
On the other hand, when these inventions became obsolete, we no longer had any use for the science that created them.
In other words, a science can appear and disappear depending on our need for it.
Kabbalah is an ancient science that has recently reappeared and continues to become increasingly popular because it offers knowledge that is of great benefit to today's society.
It is the science that enables us to understand ourselves and the world around us in its entirety.
There is no other science that can completely explain the structure, function, and laws of the universe.
Why is Kabbalah able to offer us a complete knowledge that is beyond the boundary of more traditional sciences? It's because Kabbalah deals with concepts that are beyond time and space-our eternal, spiritual existence.
And since this science studies things that are eternal, the science itself is eternally valuable.
That is to say, the information it offers will never become "obsolete.
" But if Kabbalah contains such great knowledge, then why aren't more people learning it? The reason for this is that Kabbalah cannot be learned the same way that other sciences are learned.
If a person tries to learn Kabbalah in order to be knowledgeable or smart, then he will not really learn it.
In order to learn Kabbalah, a person must focus on the new sensations he feels while studying since the purpose of studying is to begin to feel the part of reality that's beyond time and space.
Today, many people are learning the correct way to study Kabbalah and are discovering this eternal, infinite realm.
Millions of people study Kabbalah, whether over the Internet, through books or other media.
Some study it everyday and "live by it," so to say, while others simply remember that Kabbalah exists.
In any case, once a person begins to study and understand Kabbalah, he never forgets it because he has already come into contact with the eternal, spiritual part of the universe.
The knowledge he gains through studying Kabbalah is already an inseparable part of him and has a positive influence on his life and his development.
Today, there are many scientists who use this wisdom for practical research and attainment, and they invite those who are interested to join them.
After all, if something doesn't benefit our life here and now, or in the foreseeable future, then why would we want to waste our time to actually learn it? Science exists in order to research nature and find ways to improve our lives.
If we see that a certain science will benefit us, then we will invest great effort and means to learn it.
Throughout history we have seen that science develops in order for society to progress and advance.
For example, scientific advancement led to the invention of the steam engine and other mechanical devices.
On the other hand, when these inventions became obsolete, we no longer had any use for the science that created them.
In other words, a science can appear and disappear depending on our need for it.
Kabbalah is an ancient science that has recently reappeared and continues to become increasingly popular because it offers knowledge that is of great benefit to today's society.
It is the science that enables us to understand ourselves and the world around us in its entirety.
There is no other science that can completely explain the structure, function, and laws of the universe.
Why is Kabbalah able to offer us a complete knowledge that is beyond the boundary of more traditional sciences? It's because Kabbalah deals with concepts that are beyond time and space-our eternal, spiritual existence.
And since this science studies things that are eternal, the science itself is eternally valuable.
That is to say, the information it offers will never become "obsolete.
" But if Kabbalah contains such great knowledge, then why aren't more people learning it? The reason for this is that Kabbalah cannot be learned the same way that other sciences are learned.
If a person tries to learn Kabbalah in order to be knowledgeable or smart, then he will not really learn it.
In order to learn Kabbalah, a person must focus on the new sensations he feels while studying since the purpose of studying is to begin to feel the part of reality that's beyond time and space.
Today, many people are learning the correct way to study Kabbalah and are discovering this eternal, infinite realm.
Millions of people study Kabbalah, whether over the Internet, through books or other media.
Some study it everyday and "live by it," so to say, while others simply remember that Kabbalah exists.
In any case, once a person begins to study and understand Kabbalah, he never forgets it because he has already come into contact with the eternal, spiritual part of the universe.
The knowledge he gains through studying Kabbalah is already an inseparable part of him and has a positive influence on his life and his development.
Today, there are many scientists who use this wisdom for practical research and attainment, and they invite those who are interested to join them.