Roof Repair Instructions
- 1). Remove the old shingles by sliding a pitchfork underneath them and prying them loose.
- 2). Inspect the plywood sheathing for signs of damage. Replace any panels that are damaged. If you loosened any of the sheathing while removing the shingles, nail it back down into place.
- 3). Cover the sheathing with 30-pound roofing felt, stapling it to the sheathing with a hammer stapler every 6 inches to 8 inches. When installing the roofing felt, make sure that you lay it flat against the sheathing and overlap the edges to prevent any leaks.
- 4). Nail the flashing in place at the bottom of the roof. This prevents water from seeping up underneath the shingles.
- 5). Count how many shingles that you will need to run across the bottom edge of the roof, and cut the tabs off those shingles.
- 6). Install the starter course for the roof by nailing the cut shingles in place on top of the flashing. Hang the shingles approximately 1/4-inch over the edge of the roof and secure them with three nails in each shingle (one in the middle, and one on each side approximately 4 inches in from the ends).
- 7). Begin the first row of shingles by lining a shingle over the starter course so that the tabs hang approximately 1/4-inch over the edge of the starter course. Drive in four nails evenly spaced about an inch above the tabs. Continue laying shingles until the first row is done.
- 8). Start the second row of shingles by lining the shingles up so that the tabs of the second shingle overlap the top of the shingle in the first row. Stagger the shingles so that they don't line up.
- 9). Continue laying shingles in this fashion until you have reached the top of the roof.
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Cover the peak of the roof with ridge caps. To do this, cut the tabs off a shingle and fold the shingle over the peak of the roof, driving two nails into each side. Continue this process until you have covered the entire peak of the roof.