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legal subjects : Law & Legal & Attorney
Power of Attorney Legal Forms for Alabama
Signing over power of attorney is an important pad and mechanical pencil image by alpy7 from Fotolia.comPower of attorney is a way for an individual to allow someone else to make decisions for them regarding personal, legal or financial matters if they become incapacitated....
How to Get a Copy of a Birth Certificate From Los Angeles, CA
In Los Angeles County you can obtain a certified copy of your birth certificate in person or via mail. It is important to have a copy of a birth certificate because you need it to obtain a passport, to enroll children in public school, to prove age for youth sports, and to obtain a driver's license.
How to Obtain Power of Attorney in Mental Health Issues
Dementia in older adults or other mental illness in adults of any age can devastate the lives of the afflicted and their loved ones. The possible inability to manage financial affairs can have consequences that last long after a mental illness episode and, for elderly dementia patients, may have a n
How to Estabilish Paternity in Indiana
Establishing paternity ensures not only the father's rights and responsibilities, but also the child's sense of identity, access to financial benefits and access to the father's medical record. For unmarried couples, there is no assumption of paternity and paternity must be established. In Indiana,
What Is the Role of an Adoption Attorney?
On the surface, adoption appears to be a simple process: a pregnant woman who chooses not to keep her child gives her baby to someone who wants a child to raise as their own. The laws governing adoption, however, can turn this seemingly straightforward procedure into a quagmire.
How to Stop PaperJunk Mail
Unwanted junk mail takes up space in your mailbox and can also be hazardous to the environment. Pounds of discarded mail are thrown into trash cans across the country every single day. reports that 1.5 trees is thrown away in junk mail every year by American households. Fortunately
How to Format a Pleading
A pleading is a general term for a document asking a court to make a formal decision. It may also be a response to another party's legal document. For example, a petition for divorce and a counterclaim for damages in a civil lawsuit are both pleadings. Each court system has its own specific rules fo
How to Get a Birth Certificate for a Child Born on a U.S. Military Installation
A child born overseas is a U.S. citizen at birth, as long as at least one biological parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of the birth. Although the best way to prove parentage is through a birth certificate, state governments do not issue birth certificates for overseas births, and foreign birth c
How Do I Get My Name Put on My Child's Birth Certificate in Texas?
The process for adding a name to a child's Texas birth certificate depends on whether it is being added immediately following the child's birth and the relationship between the child's parents. Because many varying situations are possible, Texas Vital Statistics (the issuer of birth certificates) re
Rules for a Notary in Michigan
Notary publics are public servants appointed by state governments to witness the signing of important documents and to administer oaths. The state of Michigan has several laws in regards to becoming a notary public that applicants must consider.Maximum FeesNotaries may charge no more than...
How to Get a Copy of My Tax Return Transcript
If you are applying for a loan or need a copy of your income tax return, the Internal Revenue Service will provide you with a free transcript showing line items from your tax return. The copy covers information from form 1040A, 1040EZ or 1040. Line items from additional forms and schedules are also
How to Obtain a Death Certificate in Los Angeles
If you are doing research on your family tree and want to know how your grandparents or other relatives died, or if you need to transfer the remains of an individual from one cemetery to another, the first thing you will need to do is obtain the individual's death certificate. For death certificates
Commercial Building Laws
Commercial buildings are regulated by several laws.building it image by Vanessa van Rensburg from Fotolia.comWhile any kind of building or construction can be dangerous, commercial building can be especially dangerous. Many commercial structures are built much higher than houses and...
How to Find an Original Birth Certificate After Adoption
Although the laws vary between states, most adult adoptees may access their original birth certificates. Currently, there are few U.S. states with open adoption laws that allow you to access your original birth certificate without proving a specific need for the information. In states with closed ad
How to Change Date of Birth
Occasionally, when a person is born in a hospital, the birth certificate may have the incorrect date of birth. This mistake is usually the result of a typographical error. Thereafter, the attending physician and birth parents simply overlook the mistake when signing the birth certificate to approve
How to register yourself with the Russian consulate
Do you need to get registered with the Russian Consulate because you'd like to renew your Russian passport, for example? Do you need to 'postavit' sebya na uchet?'
Can I Cash a Bond With a Power of Attorney if the Owner Is Deceased?
As agent under a power of attorney, you powers might include cashing the principal’s bonds during his lifetime; however, your authority ends when the principal dies. A power of attorney automatically terminates at the principal’s death and assets such as bonds are distributed to his desi
How to Restructure a Promissory Note
Although contracts and promissory notes are binding, they are not forever. With the consent of all involved parties, promissory notes can be restructured to better suit changing circumstances in the market and between individuals. Although you do not need an attorney to change your arrangement, cons
How to Issue a Death Certificate in Texas
The Texas Vital Statistics handles death certificates for the state of Texas. If the death occurred within the past 25 years, only immediate family members may request the death certificate. If you are not an immediate family member, but have a tangible interest in the record (e.g, you are the benef
Types of Civil Court Cases
Civil courts are responsible for handling cases that do not involve a crime. Civil cases are disputes between individuals or groups that cannot be solved without the intervention of the court. One party, called the claimant or plaintiff, files a lawsuit or complaint against another party, called the